Ngeneral awareness 2013 pdf for ssc cgl exam

How to prepare for general awareness section of ssc cgl. Free ebook ssc junior engineer exam general awareness medium. General awareness questions asked in ssc cgl 2017 0506 aug. I was good with number so i had to spend lesser time with maths and reasoning. The list of important general awareness questions for upcoming ssc cgl exam was given, below. Maths, reasoning ability, general awareness gk and general english. The ssc cgl result 2020 will be uploaded on the official website of the concerned regional office of ssc board. Helpful for all railway, upsc, state psc like bpsc, uppsc, jpsc exams, etc. Moreover, you can download the pdf of the study material for the. Check complete details of ssc cgl 2018 exam date, ssc cgl 2018 age limit, exam pattern, application and more here. Ive divided the general awareness portion of ssccgl exam, into. Ssc cgl 20 reexam tier1 and tier 2 ssc cgl 2014 tier1 19th. The ssc cgl exam is held in four different tiers and the result for each tier will be released separately. Ssc cgl tier 20, 2nd shift general awareness ssc portal.

General awareness section can be one of the scoring and marks gaining section in ssc exams. Gk questions for ssc exam ssc cgl general awareness. Ssc junior engineer exam general awareness pdf price. The ssc cgl 2019 tier 1 exam was held from march 2 to 9, 2020. The paper has four sections namely, general intelligence and reasoning. This year, the exam is taking place from 5th august 2017 to 24th august 2017. General awareness for ssc exams equips candidates to ace the exam with a guidedvisual approach. We are starting ssc cgl 2016 course and we are creating sample questions in general awareness section, type of which will be asked in ssc cgl 2016. List of 50 important general awareness questions and answer.

Crack the exam with the help of comprehensive online video lectures, detailed solutions and indepth analysis by the best faculty. In which part of the indian constitution, the fundamental duties are enshrined. How to prepare general awareness for ssc cgl 2018 exam youtube. Ssc combined graduate level 2018 tier 1 to be held from 25 july 2018 to 20 august 2018 cbe. Ssc cgl 19 tier 1 solved papers general awareness all 18 shifts. Many candidates are searching for the topicwise ssc cgl study material for effective preparation. The ssc experts of have tried hard to in developing most relevant question set at one place. Practice ssc mts previous year question papers more as the exam is. General awareness for ssc cgl 2017 drainage system of india geography expected. Ssc cgl 2018 notification released check exam date. Ssc staff selection commission has conducted the exam for the ssc cgl combined graduate level 2018 notification. It is an ideal package for revision and evaluating your performance on the same hand. Apr 14, 2014 gk questions for ssc exam ssc cgl general awareness question paper 1. Gk questions for ssc exam ssc cgl general awareness question paper 1.

Ssc cgl general awareness online questions current. The ssc combined graduate level exam included 200 questions from 4 distinctive sections. Candidates those who are preparing for ssc cgl and all other. Pdf ssc mts previous year question papers with solutions. Cgl exam model questions general awareness previous. The examination will be conducted in three tiers as indicated below. Brush up on static gk and current affairs on a daily basis to improve your overall general.

General awareness for tier1 mathematics, algebra, trigonometry for tier1 and tier2. General awareness practice paper for ssc cgl exam 2016. How to prepare for the ssc cgl general awareness part quora. The staff selection commission was established in 1975. The approach to maths, english and reasoning, covered in separate articles. Ssc cgl syllabus 2019 pdf download exam pattern cracku. These questions cover the topics like, indian history and culture, economy, geography, indian polity. Ssc cgl 2016 final cutoff marks for all posts categorywise english classroom notes for ssc cgl by jamal perwezone of the best english faculty in patna in hindi. Jul 08, 2018 ssc cgl 2017 general awareness gk questions answers all shifts pdf. As you all know we have started intensive guidance programme for the upcoming ssc cgl 2016 exam called ssc guide in this article, we are going to focus on the topics you need to focus on in the general awareness section 50 questions 50 marks of ssc cgl tier i exam and how it is different from the banking exam s general awareness. Get free ssccgl study material for general awareness find all chapter wisetopic wise solved important questions.

Dear aspirants, staff selection commission ssc conducts ssc cgl combined graduate level every year. Ssc cgl syllabus and preparation tips for general awareness gk and gs, combined graduate level exam cgl exam is conducted by staff selection commission ssc each year for recruiting thousands of candidates to various government departments. Number of questions asked topic wise is clearly science dominated. Ssc cgl 2017 general awareness gk questions answers all shifts pdf. This article only deals with general awareness part. The prime purpose of the ssc cgl general awareness previous year question bank ebook is to fulfill the objective of aspirants preparing ssc cgl tieri exam. Daily ssc cgl general awareness quiz 1 ibps sbi ssc rrb. Thus, we are sharing important study notes of ssc cgl to help you out with the solutions. Ssc cgl 201920 notification has been out for some time now, which means it is time to put your study caps on and get down to the preparation. Dec 01, 2017 ssc cgl online test for general awareness. Aug 24, 2016 ssc cgl exam model questions general awareness. Ssc cgl tieri general awareness solved question paper. Get free ssccgl main study material for english language and comprehension general awareness quantitative aptitude reasoning based on latest syllabus.

Solved question paper of staff selection commission ssc graduate level examination general awareness held on 19. Staff selection commission combined graduate level tieri exam 2014. Download ssc cgl exam model questions general awareness from here as free pdf. Online shopping for ssc government exams from a great selection at books store. Candidates who are preparing or are planning to prepare for cgl exam should know that cgl exam consists of a section on general awareness. Ssc cgl study material 201920 ssc cgl notes pdf free. As you know ssc cgl 2017 exam has started in the entire country. Daily ssc cgl general awareness quiz 1 ibps sbi ssc rrb rbi. The ssc cgl tier 1 2019 exam is scheduled to be conducted on 3rd march to 11th march 2020. Ssc cgl tier 1 genral awareness questions and answers free. Daily ssc cgl general awareness quiz provided by mockbank covers all the relevant topics coming in general awareness section of ssc cgl exam. General awareness in hindi is available below general knowledge in hindi following general knowledge multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in trb, ssc and upsc 2014 examinations. Ssc cgl 2017 general awareness gk questions answers all. How to prepare general awareness for ssc cgl exam cracku.

So please connect with our website for more quizzes. Ist by deobrat ssc cgl answer key 20 tier 1 has been published for the staff selection commissions combined graduate level ssc cgl 20 tier 1 exam that was conducted on april 21, 20. Attempt all these questions for exam preparation and much more. We have prepared some tips to help you with your ssc cgl general awareness preparation. A candidate applying for the ssc combined graduate level examination should have a graduate degree in any discipline from the recognized university. Staff selection commission ssc combined graduate level examination cgl details and scheme of examination are given below examination pattern. General awareness questions mainly asked from the field of sports and awards and honors. General awareness asked in ssc cgl 2018 pdf all shifts. How to prepare general awareness for ssc cgl 2018 exam. Ssc cgl exam general knowledge notes only pdf file will be sent via email.

List of 50 important general awareness questions and. As you all know we have started intensive guidance programme for the upcoming ssc cgl 2016 exam called ssc guide in this article, we are going to focus on the topics you need to focus on in the general awareness section 50 questions 50 marks of ssc cgl tier i exam and how it is different from the banking exams general awareness the general awareness becomes very important as scoring. We also provide daily general awareness quiz questions for more practice for ssc cgl exam. The section constitutes of 25 questions, each question. Brush up on static gk and current affairs on a daily basis to improve your overall general awareness with free online practice papers at youth4work. S bharti one of the best maths faculty in delhi ssc cgl exam excellent trick to solve dice and cube problems. General awareness practice paper for ssc cgl exam 2016 tier. Find all english language and comprehension general awareness quantitative aptitude reasoning important questions, previous year solved papers,free ssccgl mock test series.

Previous year papers download solved question papers free for offline practice and view solutions online. This year ssc cgl 2017 is conducting its examination in the month of august tentatively. All ssc previous year asked general knowledge question. General awareness for ssc cgl can be broadly classified into 3 topics. You can also attempt the previous quiz for practice, which is quiz 3. Home staff selection commission exams ssc cgl tieri general awareness solved question paper ssc cgl tieri general awareness solved question paper examguru 11. Ssc cgl study material for general awareness zigya.

General awareness mock test paper for ssc cgl tier 1. All the ssc previous year papers are available in pdf format, candidates need to download the latest pdf reader. General awareness previous year paper for ssc cgl exam. Cgl is very high level competitive exam if number of candidates appearance are considered. You can attempt this section very quickly and accurately. This practice set is provided along with the answers. Last date to apply online extended to june 5 04 jun, 2018, 05. List of important general awareness questions for upcoming. Ssc cgl previous papers 20 general awareness, download. Ssc exam bits, online questions, ssc pattern, ssc previous papers, age limit. Candidates those who are preparing for the examination can use this. Hello aspirants, welcome to online general awareness test in. As, the ssc cgl tier 1 201819 exam has been conducted successfully, which started on 4th june 2019 and ended on 19th june 2019. This is a must take quiz for any candidate trying to update his her general awareness and evaluating the preparation level for the tier 1 exam of ssc cgl.

Study plan for general awareness section of ssc cgl. Ssc combined graduate level examination is conducted ever year. Introduction ssc cgl general awareness tier i topicwise analysis. Jun 09, 2017 how to prepare general awareness for ssc cgl. The pdf file of general awareness asked in ssc cgl 2018 all shifts will be very usefull for the aspirants who are going to appear in upcoming exams like ssc chsl exams 2018, ssc mts exams 2018, rrb ntpc exams 2019, rrc group d exams 2019, ssc gd constable exams 2019 and other sarkari exams 2019. Suppose 1 question repeated from the previous year paper. Most repetitive questions from general knowledge in this article, we have prepared a list of 50 questions that were previously asked in ssc cgl held in several years.

Candidates those who are preparing for ssc cgl and all other competitive exams can use these questions. Staff selection commission combined graduate level examination, often referred to as ssc cgl is an examination conducted to recruit staff to various posts in ministries, departments and organisations of the government of india. The candidates will be able to see their ssc cgl result 2020 after the successful. Ssc combined graduate level exam 21 april 20 question ssc cgl gk questions cgl tier 1 paper general awareness 51. Ssc cgl general awareness online questions current affairs. Checkout general awareness practice paper for ssc cgl exam 2016 tier i by jagran josh.

Ssc combined graduate level exam 20 question paper. General knowledge is essential for securing a good rank in the ssc cgl exam. Ssc cgl 2017 general awareness gk questions answers all shifts pdf hello everyone, i hope you are preparing well for your ssc cgl 2018 examination as you know that gk is now important part in ssc cgl tier1 exam. Dear mockbankers to help you prepare the best, we have started a series of articles on ssc cgl exam preparation. Who was the viceroy at the time of quit india movement. General awareness for ssc cgl 2017 drainage system of india. Ssc cgl tier 1 previous year solved paper 20, 2nd shift general awareness. Generalawarenessforsscexams equips candidates to ace the exam with a guidedvisual approach. But i knew for me its hard to score in gk and english, so i focused on maths and reasoning. Also other exams like ssc cpo, ldc, deo, fci have the same pattern. Ssc cgl answer key 20 tier1 download pdf updated on jan 8, 2014 10. It is conducted by the staff selection commission for selecting staff for various group b and group c posts. Staff selection commission combined graduate level examination 2016 tier 1 will be held from 27th of august 2016. Ssc cgl 201819 notification has been released online on 05 may.

Unlike other sections, general knowledge gk doesnt require any calculations and is thus the least timeconsuming section. The list of 50 important general awareness questions and answers is given here for download in pdf. Find out previous year general awareness bits for ssc cgl preparation for free of cost. Ebook ssc junior engineer exam general awareness pdf. Check out the topicwise general awareness study material, books, and. Apr 21, 20 ssc combined graduate level exam 21 april 20 question ssc cgl gk questions cgl tier 1 paper general awareness 51. In october 20, which of the following states has launched kanyashree project with an aim to bring betterment to the life of girl children. Ssc cgl general awareness preparation becomes very critical for ssc cgl exam because of the high scoring possibilities of this section. In ssc cgl 2017 there are 43 sets so 1075 questions in 1 year, if 12 question get repeated, what will be the cost of time p.

General awareness free quiz provided by allgovtjobsindiateam for help you do the best preparation for the ssc cgl exam. Written examination objective multiple choice type tier ii. Hence, it is recommended to read ncert books from class 6th to class 12th. Ssc cgl tieri will be conducted on 2nd march to 11th march 2020, and ssc cgl tierii from 22nd june 2020 to 25th. Topics to study for ssc cgl general awareness section. Ssc exam bits, online questions, ssc pattern, ssc previous papers, age limit home. Home staff selection commission exams ssc cgl tieri general awareness solved question paper examguru 11.

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